Confession Time
I have been keeping a small secret from everyone. Well not that small considering the upheaval my life has and will continue to go through.
Earlier this year, the husband and I found out that I was pregnant. With twins, no less. This was very much a planned event. The pregnancy that is. Not so much the twins. That was a bit of a shocker on the first ultrasound. We’d been trying for quite a long time and were ecstatic to get the news. Intimidated at the thought of caring for two babies instead of one when I’d never held a newborn or changed a diaper; but extremely happy.
The first trimester was one of the most awful experiences I’ve ever had. Morning sickness that led to throwing up multiple times a day. Fatigue and exhaustion like I’ve never experienced. Ever. It was worse than when I came back from Afghanistan so burned out that I basically hibernated for a few months, doing nothing but sleeping and trying to recover my energy. I spent most of the first trimester using the rare pockets of time where I felt okay to get as many words out at a time. (They were not my best effort. Hence the rather extensive rewrite I’m currently going through.)
About the time I was starting to feel better and planning to make an announcement, we had our first anatomy scan at 16 weeks and were given the news that there was a pretty big complication with the pregnancy. The twins had something called Twin Twin Transfusion Syndrome. It’s a syndrome specific to the types of twins I’m having. Basically, it’s where there’s an imbalance of how resources are allocated in the placenta. One was getting far too much and the other was getting just enough to survive. Left unchecked, the prognosis is typically not good. To resolve, it required a surgery.
Thankfully, the twins responded very well to the treatment. Since then, every ultrasound has been nothing but good news. However, the pregnancy is still considered rather high risk, and I am on modified bedrest for the remainder.
The last few months have been a trial. The twins and getting them here as safe and healthy as possible have been the priority. That’s not to say I’m not working and writing. I am. Having Aileen 7 as an escape has given me a distraction I dearly needed. That being said, I am not writing/editing as fast as I would normally. It’s hard, but I’m trying to do that most difficult of things where I listen to what my mind and body are telling me and work within those limits.
As I said in my previous post, the publishing schedule will need to be adjusted. At this point, I’m not ready to commit to any timeline. The books will get done when they’re done. I’m still hopeful that Aileen 7 will be before the end of the year. Firebird 6 will definitely not come out until mid to late next year.
On that note, I’ve started dreaming in the Firebird universe again. Granted, part of the dream was from an entirely new character’s perspective. One whom I haven’t met before. The rest of the dream showed me a couple of intriguing possibilities with Kira and the rest of the gang. It’s always a good sign when a world starts infringing on my sleeping mind. Hopefully by the time I sit down to write, I’ll have a good idea of what’s supposed to happen 🙂
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Responses to “Confession Time”
Congratulations to you both! Please rest, we aren’t going anywhere. Thanks for the life update.
Congratulations on the babies. Don’t suppose you’ll name them Kira and Jin if a girl and boy? 😁
Congrats! Please do the things to take care of you and the twins! We can wait
Congratulations on the twins. You are doing the most wonderful thing creating babies. Enjoy the experience as best you can! Everything else can take a back seat to that.
I am 1 week postpartum myself and sending you all the peace, calmness and tranquility needed during this time. Focus on your psychological well being first!
Looking forward to Firebird 6 next year or whenever it comes 😀. Time to re-re-re-read from book 1 again!
Congratulations 🎊 and Take Care ❤️
Congratulations and best of luck with getting the twins here safely. Your health and your family’s health takes priority. But I am glad your imagination is still scheming!
Congratulations! Twins – wow. May the rest of your pregnancy be uneventful. I always wondered if authors dream of their worlds and that gets incorporated. Take care of you and your family!
Congrats on the babies!!!! I feel you on the morning sickness and am glad you are feeling better and that everything is OK with the twins! I love your books – but can wait as long as needed to read the new ones – do what is best for you and your growing family!
Congratulations and I’m so sorry that the pregnancy has been so tough and stressful. Take care and focus on yourself and the babies for as long as you need, we will wait! Sending lots of good wishes for you and the twins.
Congratulations on the babies!
I’m sending all the good thoughts and healing for you and your babies.
I basically slept and worked for my last 2 pregnancies.
I had hyperemesis gravidarum when I was pregnant with my first. I slept, worked and did IV every 3 to 4 days. I was stationed in Spain and spent a lot of time traveling around with my friend sleeping on trains or in planes and throwing up in garbage cans all over Europe. My captain was so concerned he got the flight surgeon to travel with us (just in case).
I did not find pregnancy fun. But babies, they are a lot of fun (and work and worry. I tell people worry is my superpower and I acquired it with my children.)-
Congratulations!! You and the babies are more important than getting the book done because of a previously posted timeline. Appreciate your sharing by the news so we have an understanding. Best wishes to you and your growing family! We can wait 🙂
Congratulations 🎉
All the best to you 4. -
You are having the best adventure ever. Sorry that there are complications, glad that all is well. Congratulations!
Congratulations! Rest and take care ❤️
I hate that this has been so hard on you. I was the same way with all 5 of my pregnancies, puking and nauseous all 9 months. I found seabands with my last and I wore them at all times!! I never had twins but I did have 5 kids in 6 years. The key is don’t expect for much to get done lol I think I had a solid 3 years of rocking babies and only rocking babies. My emails below so your always welcome to send me an email amd ask questions (sometimes it’s easier to ask a stranger you’ve never met the questions you think are stupid
Oh I am so happy for you and your husband and a bit worried too. I hope all will be fine and you welcome your babies safely. The books can wait, your growing family is far more important.
Greetings from Germany
Daniela -
Congratulations to you and your husband 🎉 glad to hear that everything is going well now with the pregnancy! Twins omg!
Focus on your babys’ and your health first! The books and your fans will be there always.
Congrats again! Best news!
P.S. Now you don’t have only characters to name but also babies!
Congratulations! Take good care of yourself mama. 🙂 You got this! We love you AND your books and will all be here, eager to read whatever comes next, at whatever time it happens.
Thank you for sharing, Blessings on you and yours <3
Congratulations, take care of you and the babies the rest can wait.
Wonderful news x
Congratulations on the pregnancy and twins no less, such wonderful news. So sorry that you have been having such an awful and worrying time.
I am a huge Aileen fan and am so excited for her next adventure.
But your health and the health of your babies is much more important.
Take care of yourself. Wishing you every happiness going forward. -
Congratulations, I’m so happy for you!
Congrats! Huge fan of your stories. Happy to wait for your next one while you start a new real life adventure. Wishing you health and happiness!
Congrats! This is a very special time for you and your family. Please take time to enjoy and don’t worry about all of us…we are going no where and will wait as long as we need to!
Congratulations on the pregnancy and wish you an easy birth of both of them. May they be healthy and prosper. And all the best to you. You will need time for yourself, the babies and your family. Take it and your loyal fans will read the books when they come out. Don’t worry about us. Priority is the new life. But thanks for the update. Again: all the best for the next few months!
Sending you all the good thougts and big big hug! Don’t worry about us, we will wait for you, now you are the most important! So happy for you ❤️
Such excellent news! Take care of yourself, we’ll wait as long as it takes for your books! Wishing you all the best and a nice, pain free delivery😊
Congratulations! Twins! That’s so exciting. I am so happy for you and your husband. Your health and the health of those beautiful to be babies matters more, so take it easy and get lots of rest. The last trimester can be awful, lol no one told me that, I always heard the first was the worst. They lie!
What wonderful news! Congratulations!
So happy for you and your husband. I hope the pregnancy is relatively plain sailing and wish you an easy and safe delivery.
My sister had the same problem her first trimester. She lost 13 pounds because she could hardly keep anything down. I’m so happy to hear the babies and you are doing well. Work if it helps but don’t worry about us. Though I am so excited to hear of maybe new adventures in the Firebird realm. I’ll be sending out positive vibes to your family. Blessed be.
Congratulations to you and your husband. What exciting news! Twins are a blessing and hope both you and the twins continue to have good health. Just sit back, relax, and experience the most amazing pregnancy possible. The rest will take care of itself.
Sending you all lots of love and many blessings. 🥰 -
So happy for you! You’re definitely doing the right thing, prioritizing your babies and your personal wellbeing. Sending hugs and best wishes for good health and a safe delivery.
Take your time with your next book(s) – we’ll be as eager as ever to read them! I’ve loved everything you write and will keep an eye out for your next release, whenever it arrives.
Thanks for sharing your happy news. The planning and the joy that must be going on in your place!
Congratulations! I don’t know how, but I found your books 2 years ago and the Firebird chronicles is one my favorite series. I thank my lucky stars that I found you. Congratulations on this new adventure!❤️
I am so happy for you. I hope the rest of your pregnancy and delivery go well. I really don’t mind waiting for your next book- they are so worth waiting for. Take care and best wishes going forward.
Congrats on your twins and I’m so glad they were able to fix the issue of resource sharing! Take care of yourself as that is the most important, we can be patient for the new Eileen and Kira (even if we’re climbing the walls while we wait). LOL Sending good juju for you, the hubster and the babies!
What absolutely wonderful news. I’m so sorry you and your husband have had such a worrying time, but in the end you both be blessed with two healthy happy babes. Positive thinking is key. Sending love and light your way.
Congratulations on the pregnancy. Please rest and look after yourself. My daughter is also currently going through a high risk pregnancy with twins. It has been a very stressful time. Am sending you lots of love and best wishes. The books will come when they can. The babies and you are more important. Rest, relax and keep dreaming. xoxox
What wonderful news! They are absolutely more important than writing right now, and sad as it may be for we readers, I’m glad you’re taking time to care for you and your family. Plus, the books will be all that more exciting to get after a wait. God bless.
Wow, twins, congratulations! I’m happy the surgery was successful.
Congratulations! I’m very happy for you both. Good job on listening to yourself and respecting your limits! May you have a safe delivery and happy healthy babies! Get a Doula for the birth, they help sooooo much.
Congratulations on the pregnancy. Your health, and the babies’ health, is the most important thing. We will still be here to love your stories when they’re ready❤️
Sending warm hugs! What wonderful news 🙂 Godspeed your last trimester, I hope it is joyful and full of ease. As everyone has said; we aren’t going anywhere, take all of the time you need.
Such happy news. -
Congratulations! And quite right, the twins and your health are far more important than a book schedule. They’ll be ready when they’re ready, and we will enjoy them, but are quite capable of waiting while the truly important things in life are prioritised 😊
Wow, amazing. Hang in there! So lovely to see the compassion of your followers for you and the babies too. I randomly stumbled on this page whilst doing some research on Author websites for someone else, and got hooked on this entry! Beautiful writing. All the very best! x
Congratulations on your pregnancy! Hope all goes well. 🙏
Look forward to Firebird Chronicles 6! That is one of my all time fav series. Love the characters, world building and plot. I am thankful to hear you will continue the series in the future.
Congratulations! Take care of yourself and kids 🙂 We’ll wait 🙂
Congratulations! Sending a sincere prayer for health and happiness your way, may everything go well. Don’t worry about the delayed schedule, your wellbeing is more important.
Best wishes -
Congratulations!! Take care of yourself and those babies.
Awwwww, you’re going to be the BEST mom!! So sorry that it’s been rough going so far but please take all the rest you need. You’re growing two tiny humans for goodness sake!
Whenever you can get us more Aileen or Kira, we will gladly take it with greedy, grabby hands but until then, we will wait patiently. Your stories are worth waiting for.
Congratulations on your twins! How exciting! Thank you for this update and enjoy this time. We will still be here when ever a book is published.
How absolutely wonderful for you both; the cats will have their noses out well out of joint!
Your impending parenthood is the most important thing to focus on now and future books will be all the better for waiting.
Jane x
Hello … I just saw your blog … I am a twin and I have a set of twins!! Just so u know they but us all on bed rest. I didn’t need surgery for mine but my blood pressure was crazy !! Just tak it easy and do what the doc say … my doc said sitting and letting my rascals gain weight was best. So take it easy !!! Keep those feet up !!! Get a lazy boy chair.. eat healthy !! I ordered a hospital table it is perfect for my computer and lunch to sit. I can push it out the way easy for bathroom breaks. Oh !! Lastly they make electronic rechargeable heating and vibrating pads… great for lower back issues!! U probably know this stuff !!! But I’m so excited for u !!!
I was told my surprise pregnancy was to be triplets. Total shock. I had been stressing over having one baby, and then two was a super shock . But a move brought a new doctor and the news of triplets. (This was in the very early days of sonograms). He was wrong and my wonderful twins are the women I share books with, both avid readers who introduced me to your writing. I hope your twins bring you as much joy as my wonderful daughters have to me. One piece of advice given to me by another M o T before my babies were born: don’t give them rhyming names, don’t dress them alike, don’t tell them who is older until they are 16. All turned out to be surprisingly good suggestions. Best wishes. And yes, you can definitely breastfeed two babies at the same time.
I hope you have a bedside bell that you ring for service, and are treating yourself well. Good Luck!
Congratulations! As a mum of MODI twins, I know the struggles and stresses – not only of the pregnancy but also the first year of trying to navigate life with a family that suddenly doubled in size. Rest up, grow those babies, and take care of your self. All of that creative amazingness will wait, and so will we as readers. I think most readers recognize that we get the best books when authors have what they need to thrive. We will wait, the story is still there, and the journey will still be exciting.
As a side plus- carrying two kiddles round- your arms will get jacked and going up stairs holding them is a great leg session : ) And while the twin life can get crazy, its also crazy beautiful. -
Congratulations on the twins! Here’s sending you blessings for healthy babies and yourself.
From Singapore. -
Congratulations! TTTS is no joke – I’m glad that the treatment worked well. Take the time you need to care for yourself and to grow your little ones. Your books are worth waiting for!
YAY! BABIES! Congratulations! Your health and the babies’ health should always be the focus. The readers will still be here wanting to read your stories (maybe now with more spawn!).
Oh, my God! Those are great news. Congratulations and take care of your babies and yourself. We will wait paciently (and happily ;)) for our next book, be asured. And good look
Congratulations!! Had a sneaking suspicion after the last post 😋
So glad you’re taking the time to rest and take care of yourself. Even at baseline, you’re still doing a lot of hard work! Hope the rest of your pregnancy and labor go smoothly.
Congratulations. The health of you and the babies comes first, and I’m glad to hear that y’all are coming through the traumas OK. Hoping that the rest of the pregnancy and labor go smoothly. 🙂
Congratulations 🎊 Being pregnant is so hard! I’m glad you are listening to your bodies needs and taking rest as needed 🥰 Good luck!
I am currently rereading The Firebird Chronicles and I checked in here to see what you’re up to.
Babies! Twins! I am so happy for you. Congratulations to you and your husband.
Please take care of you and the twins. Do not worry about us. We love your writing and we will be here waiting. 😊
What fantastic news you have shared with us. Babies are such a blessing! I’m a fraternal twin and still call my brother my “womb mate”. One piece of advice my mom gave me was when the babies sleep, you should sleep. She was 100% correct. Lastly I was a career woman and we didn’t adopt our first till I was 38 years old and it was a lot more work than I realized especially with the lack of sleep, so go easy on yourself and share your thoughts and questions with your husband and extended family. Silly me took a bit to realize my husband and family couldn’t read my mind. 🤓 Lastly take all the time you need to write as we will wait. No worries!!
Congratulations!! Facets of revolution came out the day my son was born, and reading it was the only thing that could distract me from contractions and the overall anxiety. Wishing you no complications for the rest of your pregnancy, an easy birth, healthy babies, and a joyous newborn time!
Congratulations! I hope, despite the rough start, that the babies come to term and you and the little ones are happy and healthy.
Congratulations to you and your husband! I hope you and your family are well! I‘ve just read all your books again during the last weeks of my own pregnancy. I could not sleep very well in the nights, so it was the best thing to do for me not going crazy. 😅
I‘m living in germany and the idea of working with a newborn baby seems crazy to me. Here it is normal to take a break of at least a year, most mothers leave work for two or three years. So please take your time and enjoy your family! And doing that use all the help of friends and family you could get! A baby (or two) is the best thing to bring you and your loved ones even more together. My own son is five months old now and it’s the best thing that could have happend to us (although also sometimes the hardest thing, too) Have a happy time! -
Congratulations!! Do what you need to do to stay healthy.
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