Friday Randomness

Friday Randomness

I’d planned to take today off since my writing week started on Sunday. Five consecutive writings days is usually my limit. After that, I need to fill the well again. Unfortunately, Thursday didn’t go to plan and I didn’t hit word count. Originally, I planned to make up the last 1000 words today and then…

Nightfall’s Prophet

Nightfall’s Prophet

How long can a vampire hold a grudge? The answer, it turns out, is an eternity. Aileen Travers is about to get a lesson in the nature of vendettas and how far some will go to avenge any slight. When a representative of the vampire council sweeps into town, he brings with him a deadly…

The Blahs

The Blahs

With Aileen 6 off to the beta readers, the cover commissioned, and as of this morning the blurb written, I’m at loose ends for my afternoon. I’ve tried to summon the motivation to do something. Anything. But so far I haven’t been successful. Here are the tasks I’ve started–and abandoned–in the past few hours. Grocery…

Aileen 6 Snippet

Aileen 6 Snippet

There were a lot of fun scenes to choose from this mornings editing session. I’m on the last draft before I send to betas and then the editor. Enjoy! Snippet The sound of puking came as Nathan started the car. I looked into the backseat to find Connor bent over and heaving. “What happened to…

Deleted Scene

Deleted Scene

Now that I am about to embark on the second draft for Aileen 6, I thought it was time to build a little excitement for the coming book. As promised, here is a deleted scene from book 5. It was the original beginning of Twilight’s Herald. I cut it for reasons I can’t remember, but…

Website Revamp

Website Revamp

Last year I started redesigning my website. I got several pages made and even sent it to people for feedback before realizing it wasn’t what I wanted at all. I hated what I had created. At heart, I’m a writer; not a graphic or web designer. Writing is where I’m happiest. It’s also what pays…

Getting Better

Getting Better

I have survived the great wisdom tooth extraction. It wasn’t pretty though. I don’t say this often since being an author who dreams up fantastical situations, but it went worse than I imagined it would.  One of the things I learned about myself is that I don’t handle pain meds well. Like at all. I…

Wisdom Teeth Woes

Wisdom Teeth Woes

I am in full on grinch mode. The past few weeks since returning from our road trip have been one thing after another. In my infinite wisdom, I decided to delay all the necessary appointments to the end of the year. Throw in the website revamp and a couple other important matters and hardly a…

Shifting Seas – Jost Story (Chapter Seven)

Chapter Seven “It’s abandoned.” Jost studied the empty camp with an expressionless face. The advance team had arrived during the night. Seeing no movement in the campsite nestled between two hills, Jost had ordered his men in to take a closer look. Dawn was just starting to touch the night sky. The stars and two…