Back At it

Back At it

Happy New Year!! I hope everyone came through the holiday season in one piece and relatively healthy. Maybe it’s because the twins are making me more conscious of it, but I don’t think I remember a past year where there have been so many illnesses. From Thanksgiving until now, it seems like the majority of…

All the things

All the things

I’ve been kind of quiet over the last three weeks or so. One because I wanted to finish the second draft of Aileen 7. It’s done, by the way. It came in at a whopping 144,000 words. People, it’s Firebird long. And there’s one or two things I need to add that didn’t make it…

Confession Time

Confession Time

I have been keeping a small secret from everyone. Well not that small considering the upheaval my life has and will continue to go through. Earlier this year, the husband and I found out that I was pregnant. With twins, no less. This was very much a planned event. The pregnancy that is. Not so…

the Horror

the Horror

On Friday afternoon I discovered the cats had fleas. That morning I’d gotten up and noticed black dirt like stuff where Loki had been sleeping at the end of the bed. I thought it was strange and made a mental note to check her over later to see if she’d gotten into anything. It wasn’t…