It’s out!
Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates. Just a quick message. Trials of Conviction is now available to order at all retailers. The print version is also out. The Audio version is also under work. No estimate on when that will be available. It will likely be a few months.
There will be a Facebook Live after the New Year to give everyone a time to read and compile their questions for me. Also because this book (and Christmas) took all of my energy reserves and I now need a little recovery before I’m presentable.
Hope everyone has a great last week of the year. Happy New Year! And Happy Reading!
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Responses to “It’s out!”
I tried reading this as slowly as I possibly could, but I just couldn’t Trials Of Conviction is just too good and I was literally screaming at the end. Please tell me there’s going to be more of Kira, Jin, and Graydon because I’m not ready to leave them yet. Thank you for a book well written.
I really hope this isn’t the end – there’s so much more to come, especially with Jin – I’ve been wondering for some books now how his story was going to resolve… Excellent book, really enjoyed it, looking forward to the audio version – I read too fast and skip to get on, so listening to the audio makes me fully appreciate the whole thing.
How did you do this? all your books are so good … i just want one more and one more again !
And how can you play with my hearts like this … Can’t wait for the next novel of Kira and J1n ! (Aileen too)
English is not my first language but if you want somone for an read it in advance copie, i’m HERE ! (haha)
My bests wishes for the next year to you and your family. -
Hi, I have absolutely loved the latest book in the series which managed to resolve the cliff hanger (horrid!) from its predecessor. It neatly fleshed out some of the world building and secondary characters but still left enough unfinished business to keep me interested in the next book.
The 43 are coming alive, both good and bad, Elise and Elena are coming into their own as characters with the whole happy family complete with Tsavitee still to play out with Raider, Jin has a Tuann family to meet and life as a ‘real boy’ to come to terms with – and that’s totally without considering what happens next with the actual enemy, or indeed the heroes own personal development. It really is a series about family, born, met and made with all of the emotional rollercoaster that implies. Thank you for creating something that brings such joy.
On a practical note, one thing that I do miss from the earlier version of the website and would love if you could bring back, is a rough ‘pipeline’ books that you’re working on from each series.
I miss this too!!
Loved it – but now I will have to re-read more slowly as I sprinted through it, racing to the end.
Like everyone else posting, I binged it hard and fast. I will reread it, probably reread it as audio because the productions are well done. Loved it. I really hope there is more! The ending is satisfyingly not a cliffhanger like #4 but I would love the story to continue. Brilliant!
Just a quick thank you. The firebird books are my go to book to relax and move to a chill space. I have listen to them sooo many times. I am grateful.
The firebird chronicles is a most excellent series, the writing is superb! I hope there’s more, as it just does not seem finished to me. The Tuann need a shake up, the wondered need a home and Jin, Raider, Elise and Elena have more depth to delve into. Not to mention the mysterious mother of Jin! I could go on! Fantastic!
I’m waiting for the audiobook to come out. I’m a little concern because there’s a pre order for a MP3 Audio CD but not one for audiobook. Please tell me there will be a version on audiobook available.
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