Dragon Con
Dragon Con is fast approaching, and I am quickly running out of time for everything. Here is the current plan as I understand it. This is subject to change and I will be announcing further details as we get closer so if you’re attending please make sure to check here or the Facebook page. I’m not the best at updating Twitter or Instagram.
I will be present all of the days of the conference, selling books in a shared booth with several other authors. Because we are sharing the booth, we’re taking turns being in it to sale books. I don’t have the exact times I’ll be in the booth however. That’s one of the things I plan to update you to later. I’m planning to bring The Firebird Series, The Broken Lands Series and the first book of the Dragon Ridden series for sale. So if you want a copy but have never bought one, this is your chance.
I will also be in a featured author spot where I will be dedicated to signing books. Right now, it’s looking like that’ll be on Saturday from 1-3. (I really need to remember to create some sort of sign that says who I am so people can find me). I believe you’ll be able to bring your already owned books for me to sign to that. Either way, if you hand me a book to sign at any point during the course of this convention, I’ll probably sign it.
There will also be postcards, book marks and business cards for those who want it. I didn’t order many though so maybe don’t wait until the last day to come get them.
I’m playing around with the idea of giving away one of the 8 x 11 posters I made with the artwork, but not sure how that will work.
That’s all the information I have for now. Once I know more, I’ll be sure to create another announcement. Hope to see some of you there.
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Response to “Dragon Con”
I hope you will have a lot of fun, loads of interesting talks and good sales. I can’t come – I live on another continent … and am busy with my own company.
I am one of the almost 3000 people following you on goodreads and I just wanted to use this opportunity to thank you for your reviewing (well, star-giving) practice on that site as it actually gave me quite a few new recommendations of enjoyable books to fill the time reading between the release of your books. I just thought to say thank you for that. 🙂
Have a nice time!
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