Getting Better

Getting Better

I have survived the great wisdom tooth extraction. It wasn’t pretty though. I don’t say this often since being an author who dreams up fantastical situations, but it went worse than I imagined it would.  One of the things I learned about myself is that I don’t handle pain meds well. Like at all. I…

Wisdom Teeth Woes

Wisdom Teeth Woes

I am in full on grinch mode. The past few weeks since returning from our road trip have been one thing after another. In my infinite wisdom, I decided to delay all the necessary appointments to the end of the year. Throw in the website revamp and a couple other important matters and hardly a…

It’s Live!

It’s Live!

A few housekeeping items. Facets of Revolution is now available in all the retailers. The print version should be coming later today or tomorrow. I approved it this morning now we just have to wait for it work its way through Amazon’s queue. The audio version is coming but I do not have an ETA…

Finn Short

Finn Short

Some of you are way better at this stalking thing than I gave you credit for. The newsletter had only been out for a few hours before many of you had uncovered the fact that the Finn short was in it. After which, I received several panicked emails from people who’d just joined and who…