Book Update

For those of you who didn’t see the Facebook post last week, I finished the second draft of Firebird 5 last Wednesday. Just in time for the Husband and I to fly to St. Lucia the next day for a vacation we’d been planning since February. Having the draft done in time was one of the reasons I worked pretty much every day since we returned from Dragon Con in September. I don’t know why but it gives me an extra sense of relaxation to be between drafts/books when I leave for trips.

Today was the first real full day back in the editing chair. It was a bit of a slow start. Six days spent doing nothing but sitting on a beach with a book that I didn’t write evidently made me forget how to type. I made so many typing errors this morning that I started wondering if there was something wrong with my brain.

Overall though, I have to say I am so pleased with the state of the book. At least the beginning section. There’s always a fear when I get to this stage that I’ll read it and find the balance off. Pacing, writing, etc. Or that I’ll hate it. Given the amount of time it took to get to this point, that would be heartbreaking. Right now, the words are just flowing with minimal need to tweak things. I doubt my luck will hold to the end, but I’m excited with what I’ve written and can’t wait to share.

Emily has posted the beta and arc reader forms on the book community on Facebook. I’ll probably be ready to pass this book to the beta’s by Wednesday or Thursday of next week. So if that is something you’re interested in, I suggest you head over to the book community to sign up. If you’re not already a member, this might be a good time to join.

Below a few photos of the trip.


Responses to “Book Update”

  1. Linda Avatar

    I’m glad you left ready to vacation. Makes a vacation an actual break and a chance at real rest, the brain kind. I need that book though. 🤸🏽‍♀️

    1. Brooke Avatar

      Glad you had a great trip. The location looks stunning! And you deserve some much needed TLC. Looking forward to FB5!

  2. Larisa Avatar

    Yea! for you to take a break in a beautiful place. No worries about the 1st couple if days back, it’s just the brain having a 3 year old temper tantrum.

  3. Emily07 Avatar

    I hope you had a wonderful vacation, full of fun and lots of rest in a spectacularly beautiful setting.

    I’ll keep my eye out for the Amazon link for when the book is posted. I’m looking forward to spending time with Kira and Jin and Graydon and Elena and Raider and…………………………..the rest of the wonderful characters in the Firebird Chronicles.

    Peace and blessings to you and your family.

  4. Andrea Avatar

    The beach has some magical healing and restorative capabilities. Hope you feel revived. I’m looking forward to reading Firebird #5

  5. Karri Wilson Avatar
    Karri Wilson

    What a beautiful place to rest and relax! I hope you enjoyed every moment. But I’m definitely on the edge of my seat to see what you have in store for us in FB5. I can hardly wait!

  6. Claudia Goldfarb Avatar
    Claudia Goldfarb

    Will there be another Jin and Kira book? I really want to read the rest of their story and see how Jin handles being human again.

  7. Reiven Avatar

    Hi, I’m interested in joining the book community on FB. What is the name of the group/page?

    1. ChristyRocket Avatar

      It’s called the T.A. White Book Community 🙂

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