Wisdom Teeth Woes

Wisdom Teeth Woes

I am in full on grinch mode. The past few weeks since returning from our road trip have been one thing after another. In my infinite wisdom, I decided to delay all the necessary appointments to the end of the year. Throw in the website revamp and a couple other important matters and hardly a…

Shifting Seas – Jost Story (Chapter Seven)

Chapter Seven “It’s abandoned.” Jost studied the empty camp with an expressionless face. The advance team had arrived during the night. Seeing no movement in the campsite nestled between two hills, Jost had ordered his men in to take a closer look. Dawn was just starting to touch the night sky. The stars and two…

Shifting Seas – Jost Story (Chapter Six)

Chapter Six “Why do you think she helped us?” Lock asked, scratching his chin. That was something that had been bothering Jost. What was her agenda? It couldn’t be because she thought they were harmless. She’d helped them after watching them kill several men. It occurred to him that she might have been working with…

Shifting Seas – Jost Story (Chapter Three)

Chapter Three “Are we really landing there?” Trent asked, skepticism in his voice as he stared at the rocky shore in the distance. The Northern Reaches weren’t much to look at. What wasn’t covered in snow was grey and rocky. There was little to no vegetation. Just dirt and rock and ice. Hardly an inviting…

Liam POV

This is a short scene from the prologue of Dawn’s Envoy told from Liam’s perspective. She had that frown on her face again. The one that said she was considering a dozen different scenarios and their possible outcomes. As always, it filled him with an almost irresistible urge to smooth those lines away, if only…